Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Brand New Up-Cycled Aprons!

So I finally accomplished the reason I started the Blog in the first place!

Drumroll Please.....

My first Up-cycled Apron!
I'm So Excited!!!

This is a picture of my very first up-cycled apron.  It started as a sweet little sundress from my local Goodwill, and became a sweet little Baby Apron!

This one has the most adorable bunny ears at the buttons on the straps.  I couldn't resist when I saw at, even though it is a newborn size.  Newborns can wear apron too, right...

The next one started as a girly ruffled skirt like this...

...and became a Denim and Ruffled Apron with extra long pink satin ribbon ties that wrap around to the front to show off a pretty bow.

The next two started off like this...

and this...(sew retro huh!)

...and became a Denim Toddler Apron with embroidered flowers and a retro strip at the bottom of the skirt and retro fabric ties.

...and a Denim Skirt Apron With Retro Fabric Top.  It has pink straps with groovy big green buttons.
I also still have the back of the retro dress to make another apron!

I'm so excited to share my new passion with all of you!

If I can reach a total of 800 page views on my Blog, and gain ten more followers either through Google friend connect or Networked Blogs followers, I will give away one of my aprons!
So please join in the fun and share with your friends!

Thank you for spending some time with me!

Gotta go get some more use out of my seam ripper!

Love...  Ellie


Unknown said...

Sew many sweet ideas posted at

Take a look!

Unknown said...

Today's Creative Blog Get Your Craft On!