Friday, August 26, 2011

Hello There! House "A Home And Garden Event"

How Exciting This Would Be!

We have "lived" in our house for six years this October!

We have yet to put in a backyard!

We have yet to paint a single wall!

I have so many ideas of what I want, 
but can't seem to put it all together!

Color schemes, flow from one room to the other,

compromise with my Husband...

Where to start???

Hello There! House
just might have the answer!

These are some pictures from the model home!

I hope to create this atmosphere,
to make my house...OUR HOME!

Maybe I'll even see YOU there!


1 comment:

hello there! house said...

Ellie, your house is so great! I can't wait to see what you decide to do with it- painting the walls is my favorite thing- it adds so much character to a home! Thanks for your entry!